Certification will empower you. It will build your knowledge base and help you truly be the expert in reducing the risk of infections. It will build your confidence and your ability to be an effective leader.

Dr. Buffy J. Lloyd-Krejci, DrPH, MS, BS, CIC, LTC-CIPEpidemiologist and CEO | IPCWell, LLC

The exam prep teaches you a lot, and it also shows you where to find additional resources and answers.

Carra Hindberg, LTC-CIPInfection Preventionist | Valley Senior Living

Certification has given me greater confidence in knowing that I have the breadth of knowledge to do my job effectively. This knowledge helps me understand what I can impact, how to analyze risks, and how to take appropriate precautions to keep my resident’s and staff safe.

Kayla Porter, LTC-CIPInfection Preventionist | Valley Senior Living